The students in our program come from various departments within the College of Engineering at the University of Utah.
The main methods of student participation in the program are:
- Students conduct energy assessments with clients developing on-the-job skills for energy auditing.
- Students participate in research opportunities related to energy efficiency, energy systems, and smart manufacturing.
- Students develop skills in customer relations by working with local utilities, assessment clients, and product vendors.
- Students engage in leadership development by leading assessment teams, coordinating technical reports and analyses, and coordinating efforts with facility personnel.
- Students engage in opportunities to interact with local and national professionals in the energy efficiency community. These include opportunities with local companies and community events/groups like the Utah Air Quality Board, UCAIR, and the Utah Rural Summit. Students participate in marketing and outreach efforts to local companies and partner entities and events.
- Students become involved in recruiting and training future team members. The IIAC is very involved in the promotion and participation in interest and networking groups. One prominent example is the involvement in the Women in Energy Efficiency (WE2 ) network.